

Performance Tools


System Performance

EAGLE Software provides many tools designed to maximize your system performance.


DISK_PAK and DISK_PAK OnLine! are both designed to help squeeze every ounce of performance from your fragmented file system. Check out our DISK_PAK page for more information.


The VS_TOOLBOX is a set of utilities written specifically to improve system performance and security with Data General's AOS/VS and AOS/VS II operating systems. With VS_TOOLBOX, INFOS II users will benefit from dramatic reductions in disk space requirements and significantly improved INFOS performance.

CEO utilities

MAID for CEO is an integrated set of nine utilities designed specifically for Data General's Comprehensive Electronic Office (CEO). The utilities that comprise MAID for CEO are invaluable tools for system managers who want to enhance the performance of their CEO filing system. DOCtAR, the DOCument Archiver and Compressor for CEO, is a set of utilities that can provide significant savings of disk space to compressing them in a user disk file, DOCtAR can provide disk space savings of 50-75%. DOCtAR utilities run in place of, or in conjunction with, the CEO_ARCHIVER.


FILE_MONITOR is a powerful utility that lets you monitor AOS/VS and AOS/VS II file use by displaying which files are open, who is using them, and how many accesses they receive. With this information, you can now efficiently balance and manage your disk subsystems.

©1997 EAGLE Software
Last Updated: 10/03/96 webmaster